About us
CZ Biom advocates for the development of biomass, biogas and biomethane as sustainable and flexible energy sources in the Czech Republic. We are also interested in the circularity of material flows, as well as in dealing with bio-waste, composting and the return of nutrients from composts, digestates and ashes to the soil. We bring together a large number of specialists, entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the field of biomass utilisation.
„We are a member of the Bioenergy Europe (BE), the European Biogas Association (EBA), the World Bioenergy Association (WBA) and the European Composting Network (ECN).“

What we do
Benefits of the membership
The Czech Biomass Association monitor the market and legislation in the areas of biomass, biogas, biomethane, bio-waste and composting. We communicate with the Czech administration.
„Stronger together!“
CZBIOM members
Our services
- Consultancy services regarding the production of energy from biomass, biogas and biomethane
- „Control inspection“ of biogas plants
- Advisory of sustainability criteria
- Consultancy in the composting plant project preparation process
- Project assessment for feasibility and due diligence.
- Market, price and potential analysis of individual bioenergy segments.
- Analysis of current legislation on the production, processing and use of biomass
- Marketing studies in the field of biomass
- Transport and logistics consultancy
- Advisory services regarding the use and disposal of biomass ash according to Czech legislation
- Zajištění registrace popela z biomasy jako hnojiva
- Biomass storage information
- Advisory services for the cultivation of energy crops and fast-growing tree species
Our team
We are members of
Contact us
E-mail: sekretariat@biom.cz
URL: www.biom.cz; www.czbiom.cz
Phone: 241 730 326
Mobile: 604 856 036
Correspondence address:
CZ Biom – Czech Association for Biomass, z.s.
Opletalova 7/918
111 44 Prague 1
Billing address:
CZ Biom – Czech Biomass Association, z.s.
Drnovská 507
161 00 Prague 6
Identification number/VAT number: 61383929/CZ61383929 | Bank account: 165328389/0800 | Data box ID: mppj8vz | Association registered in the association register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section L, File 5980.